Event Sponsorship Requests
The Mount Pleasant-Titus County Chamber of Commerce welcomes requests for sponsorships to help support events being hosted in Mount Pleasant that are reasonably expected to attract overnight visitors to our community who will stay in our local hotels.
By law of the State of Texas, the City of Mount Pleasant collects a Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) from hotels, bed & breakfasts, and other lodging facilities. Under state law, the revenue from the HOT may be used only to directly promote tourism and the hotel and convention industry.
The Mount Pleasant-Titus County Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Council accepts applications from groups and businesses whose program or event directly promotes these industries. All requests for funds should be submitted in writing accompanied by the OFFICIAL APPLICATION by January 1st (for events taking place February 1-June 30th) or June 1st (for events taking place July 1st-December 31st).
The application will be reviewed by the members of the Tourism Committee at the earliest possible regularly scheduled meeting. The applicant may be asked to be present at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the application.
The POST EVENT FORM must be completed and returned upon the completion of the event in order for an application to be submitted the following year for the same event.
We look forward to hosting your event here in Mount Pleasant! Please contact us with any questions: (903) 572-8567 or email us.