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Committees & Volunteer Opportunities

Join a committee!  What greater way to be involved in the Chamber while networking with other members? You are the face of your business. People connect you with your business. Make those connections quickly, by serving on a committee.

Community Development

Governmental Affairs

Purpose: Advocate or educate for public policy to benefit business, economic growth and our community.
Meets: Twice per year or as needed.

This group of members serves as the Chamber’s legislative advocacy group. The goal of the Chamber’s advocacy is two fold, both to advocate and educate the members. This committee works to create a public policy agenda, build consensus on issues, participate in partnerships to best position businesses and provide members access to forums and governmental issues. Activities include Mount Pleasant Days In Austin, Actions and Advocacy newsletter and Elected Officials Reception.


Purpose: Support school districts with special projects when needed
Meets: Monthly

This committee works to bring the community and schools together by acting as a liaison between the business and education communities. Activities include the New Teacher Breakfast to celebrate new teachers to Titus County, Principal for a Day program, LEAP career conference for 8th graders, Academic Rodeo sponsorships and Academic Blanket program to recognize students at the top of their class.

Partner Development
Economic Development
Organizational Development
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